Building Capacity to Tackle the Dog Meat Trade in Vietnam: Providing Veterinary Training to Government Veterinarians
July 2017:
As a co-founding member of the Asia Canine Protection Alliance (ACPA), Change For Animals Foundation is committed to working with the authorities to enforce existing laws and regulations that would restrict the cruel dog meat trade, whilst lobbying for an outright ban on this cruel and dangerous trade.
At meetings with government officials in February this year, Mr. Duong Tat Thang – the Director of Area 3 Animal Health – gave a strong speech about the need to work in collaboration with ACPA to tackle rabies and to provide better care for the dogs in the area. ACPA’s help was requested to provide veterinary training to government vets to maximise the impact on animal welfare in their areas. In response, last week we hosted crucial veterinary training at ACPA member Soi Dog Foundation’s amazing veterinary clinic in Phuket Thailand for vets from throughout Vietnam
Thanks to your ongoing support, these veterinarians now have new life saving skills to share with their colleagues in Vietnam, and critical working partnerships have been forged, key in securing ongoing collaborative partnerships to work together to tackle the cruel dog meat trade that plagues Vietnam, encouraging illegal activity, facilitating the transmission of rabies, and responsible for the immense suffering of millions of dogs each year.