Ending the Cruel and Dangerous Dog Meat Trade in Indonesia
The “Dog Meat-Free Indonesia” campaign intends to bring an end to the dog meat trade in Indonesia through public awareness campaigns, political lobbying and engagement, and on-the-ground practical support.
It was created by Change For Animals Foundation, Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN), Animal Friends Jogja (AFJ) and Humane Society International (HSI), and subsequently welcomed Animals Asia and FOUR PAWS International to our coalition, based on our shared commitment to work together to tackle the dog meat trade in Indonesia.

In Indonesia and around the word, there is already a growing opposition to the dog meat trade. The “Dog Meat-Free Indonesia” campaign will continue to raise the profile of this issue and work to strengthen and enforce laws that will end the trade.
Produced by Environment Films

“I didn’t know the magnitude, literally millions of dogs are slaughtered for food in Indonesia every year. It has to be condemned, and we have to stop it. Now that you know, please help us help them, thank you.”
Ricky Gervais

“Right now, tens of thousands of dogs are suffering in ways I can hardly imagine. Please support us for our cause, for a dog meat-free Indonesia.”
Joanna Lumley

“Indonesia’s dog meat trade is responsible for the unimaginable suffering of millions of dogs each year, and I stand side-by-side with the Dog Meat Free Indonesia coalition, and those groups and individuals working tirelessly every day, in calling for an end to the cruel and dangerous dog meat trade.
Together, we will reach our ultimate goal – and dream – of ensuring all dogs are protected from the brutality and cruelty inherent in the trade, and are afforded the respect and protection from cruelty they so desperately need and deserve”
Peter Egan
The Dog Meat Trade: A Cruel and Dangerous Trade
Many of these dogs are stolen family pets illegally caught from the streets. Once captured, they are crammed into cages and sacks. Their mouths are bound shut and they are packed so tightly that they can barely move
They then endure long journeys on the backs of bikes or in overcrowded trucks. Many die from suffocation, dehydration or heatstroke before they reach the markets, slaughterhouses and restaurants they’re meant to supply. For those who do survive the journey to the slaughterhouse, they will have to watch other dogs being killed in front of them while they wait their own turn.

Every year, millions of dogs are transported throughout Indonesia to supply the demand for dog meat. Our nationwide investigations have revealed the crude and brutal methods of capture, transport and slaughter, and the immense suffering suffered by millions of dogs each year.
Why Regulation is not a solution
There is a growing concern for the welfare of animal throughout Indonesia. There is also an increasing awareness that the trade is incompatible with the country’s efforts to control and eliminate rabies.
Regulation of the dog meat trade will not resolve the systematic cruelty inherent in the trade nor will it decrease all the risks posed to human health. In order to ensure the welfare of animals and protect human and animal health and safety, the dog meat trade must stop.

Dogs Deserve Better
Dogs are Mankind’s most loyal companions. As pets they bring us joy and comfort. They are cherished as "therapists" in schools, hospitals and in homes for the young and elderly. They protect us by serving in our police forces, rescue services and military. As pet ownership rises in Indonesia, it is our duty to ensure that dogs are protected from cruelty, and are recognised and respected as the companion animals they are.

A Risk to Human Health
The theft and illegal movement of dogs across Indonesia poses an enormous risk to human health. The World Health Organization (WHO) has explicitly highlighted that transporting dogs for the dog meat trade is a contributing factor to the spread of rabies in Indonesia.
Rabies is a deadly disease that has a devastating impact on both human and animal health. While only a minority of Indonesians consumes dog meat (just an estimated 7% of the population) the dog meat trade threatens the health and safety of the entire country.
A Collaborative and Solution-Based Approach
We are committed to working with local communities, celebrities and the authorities to raise awareness of the illegal dog meat trade and the risks it poses to both human and animal health and welfare.
We are committed to:
Highlighting the human health risks associated with the trade in, and consumption of, dogs.
Encouraging a more compassionate attitude towards all dogs.
Promoting responsible pet ownership.
Providing humane and sustainable dog population management and rabies elimination solutions.
Supporting the government to ensure Indonesia fulfills their pledge to eliminate rabies by 2020.
Equipping local law enforcers with the skills, resources and knowledge to ensure adequate enforcement of existing laws and regulations.

We are committed to ending the dog meat trade in Indonesia but we need YOUR help!