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Cat and Dog slaughterhouse shut down in Vietnam - 25 dogs and cats rescued
Dog Meat-Free Indonesia Campaigners Warn of Deadly Rabies Transmission Without Enforced Ban on Brutal Dog Meat Trade
Victims of a Hidden Trade – Ending Vietnam’s Cat Meat Trade
Indonesia’s dog meat trade continues unchallenged amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, despite warnings from health experts
In a time of crisis, animals need us now more than ever. What CFAF has been doing since the pandemic started.
Dame Judi Dench, Ricky Gervais, Joanna Lumley unite with Indonesian superstars to urge Indonesia's President to close down their live animal markets and dog and cat meat trades, in response to COVID-19
Ricky Gervais and Peter Egan join campaigners calling for Indonesia to close down its Live Animal Markets
Animal Activists are calling on President Joko Widodo to Close Live Animal Markets and Trades as First Cases of Coronavirus are Announced in Indonesia
Indonesia - huge victory for campaign to end exploitation of dolphins. As of the 5th February 2020, the world’s last traveling dolphin show has ended.
In the midst of the latest deadly coronavirus outbreak originating from China’s live animal markets, the Dog Meat Free Indonesia Coalition has issued an open letter to the President of Indonesia. It warns him of the serious risks that result from Indonesia's trade in wildlife, and dogs and cats for meat
Major step forward for our Dog Meat-Free Campaign in the City of Yogyakarta
Governor Pledges Commitment to Tackle Cruel and Dangerous Dog Meat Trade in Central Java
Calling on TripAdvisor to remove cruel canned hunting promotion from its site
During a speech to celebrate international “World Rabies Day”, the Governor of Central Java declares that “Dogs and Cats are NOT food” and that the cruel dog meat trade must end!
ACPA helps provide medical care for confiscated dogs following the largest ever bust of a dog theft ring by Vietnamese police
Poachers reeling as crackdown uncovers four illegal songbird shipments in a week