Victory Against the Cruel Exploitation of Animals in Performances at Lemnah Hijau Zoo, Indonesia
Following the release of footage documenting the cruel and humiliating use and abuse of bears and orangutans at Indonesia’s Lembah Hijau Zoo captured by Change for Animals Foundation’s partner group Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group, there was immense national and international public outrage and condemnation. Countless letters and emails were sent by concerned supporters from around the world to the zoo and the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry calling for an end to this cruelty, over 25,000 people signed the petition calling for an end to these cruel animal attractions nationwide, and international media outlets reported on the plight of these animals.
Your voice was heard!
On the 17th September 2017 we received confirmation that Lembah Hijau Zoo will cease these cruel and humiliating shows, and never again will the bears and orangutan be forced to endure the distress of performing.
This is a huge step forward and sets a precedent for other zoos to follow, sending a clear message that this kind of inexcusable cruelty will not be tolerated, and cannot hide behind the façade of holding any “educational” value.
Never underestimate the power of making your voice heard for animals!